Cycle 2 / Workout 15
Warm Up: 30 calories on AirDyne Bike. First 15 easy, Second 15 intermediate
10 air squats
10 goblet squats
10 plyo metric squat jumps
*Watch this video and learn proper technique. Alan Thrall is an animal, but he teaches exactly how I would teach you. So if you don't like Alan, hire me. Dead Lifting is the ONE strength exercise WE ALL NEED more training on. You are already dead lifting everyday...incorrectly. Picking up kids, groceries and dog bowls....all dead lifts. I guarantee you are performing this simple lift dozens of times a day....unknowingly setting yourself up for injury every time. Knowledge is Power!! Educate yourself and Be Strong!!
RDL (romanian dead lift) 5 sets of 6 reps
rest 90 seconds sets
5 Super Sets:
Russian Kettlebell swing, 8-10
Hoist Machine Hamstring Curl, 12 - 15
rest 60 - 90 seconds between super sets
3 Super Sets:
Wide Grip Pull Up x 5 - 8
Rest 60 seconds between super sets
ROWER Intervals
10 intervals, 30 seconds ON / 30 seconds OFF
Put out a solid effort for 30 seconds....stop rowing or move extremely slowly during rest period.
Soft Tissue Management: