Workout 1 / Cycle 1
Warm Up:
Elliptical 5 minutes of walking or light jogging, remain at a conversational pace... increasing heart rate gradually.
Part A:
Immediately following warm up:
Tread Mill, Set incline to .05, you choose the speed....Push the pace, DO NOT HOLD ON TO THE RAILS. If you can't run without holding on, jog, if you can't jog without holding on walk, if you can't walk without holding on...get on an upright stationary bike. Get as far as possible in 10 minutes.
Record Max Distance Achieved in 10 minutes
Part B:
Row 1 kilometer as fast as possible. Record Time.
Functional Movements: These are basic movement patterns that you perform multiple times on a daily basis. Don't let the simplicity fool you...most of us are moving incorrectly over and over leading to loss in motor function, muscle tension and setting us up for injury. Consult a personal trainer if you experience the inability to correct these movements on your own. A few simple tricks and tweaks in your technique will take your workouts from frustrating to fun!
1 minute: Perform as many Air Squats as possible, record total
Rest 1 Minute
1 minute: Perform as many Push Ups as possible, record total
Rest 1 Minute
1 minute: Max reps of Pull Ups
Option 1) Regressed Pull Up or Inverted Row Set bar to height that allows at least 5 reps before resting.
Option 2) Assisted pull up machine set to a weight that allows you to pull 3-5 reps before reaching failure.
Option 3) Pronated pull ups begin and end each rep from a fully extended hang, no kipping. Keep movements as strict as possible, ending each set before reaching failure.
1 minute: Perform as many Full Range of Motion Sit-Ups as possible, record total
Rest 1 Minute
1 minute: Dumbell Shoulder Press, use weight that allows you to perform the movement standards perfectly for each rep.
Record number of reps completed and weight used.
Cool Down
5 - 10 minutes
**If you need help performing these movements, proper nutrition and / or proper recovery, Personal Training is for you. Book an appointment today.